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Autosampler Vials, Membrane Solutions 2ml HPLC Vials, 9-425
LOW EXPANSION COEFFICIENT - 9mm Screw Thread Autosampler Vials are made of clear Type 1, Class A Borosilicate Glass with very low expansion coefficient. It shows excellent chemical resistance to acidic and neutral solutions, due to its relatively low alkaline content even to alkaline solutions.
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labeled HPLC sample vials very low expansion coefficient. The material of the sample vial is usually neutral borosilicate glass, in the category-Class 1 borosilicate glass with an expansion coefficient of 51. Get Price Clarus 500/580 GC User's Guide - PerkinElmer . Copper-clad plate with low thermal expansion coefficient and
6-20ml Headspace Vial on Sale--Aijiren Vials for HPLC/GC
1.Standard vials for GC and HPLC. 2.Vials with integrated Micro-Insert are available. 3.11mm hand crimper & 11mm Decapper. 4.Vials have a 40% larger opening than standard opening aluminum seal vials. 5.Vials are manufactured of Clear or Amber borosilicate glass. 6.The standard 12x32mm profile is compatible with 11mm aluminum seal closures.
News-The latest news of 2ml amber & clear hplc vials -Aijiren
May 31, 2022 · 1000pcs 2ml Autosampler Vials+Caps Clear Glass Bottles HPLC Low Expansion Coefficient – 9mm Screw Thread Autosampler Vials are made of clear Type 1, Class A Borosilicate Glass with very low expansion coefficient. 2ml hplc autosampler vials 2ml hplc vials for autosamplers. Aijiren offers a wide range of autosampler vial specifications that are
Chromatogarphy instrument-Aijiren Vials for HPLC/GC
1. The glass adopts high-quality borosilicate glass tube, with low free ion content, low expansion coefficient and very high chemical resistance. 2. The unique thread design can ensure the consistency of the seal. 3. Strict quality assurance provides dimensional consistency between batches. 4.
Latest Updates of HPLC sample vials supplier,manufacturer and
Specifications of HPLC vials. Commonly used specifications are 2-40ml chromatographic HPLC vials, headspace vials and storage vials. product features: 1: Glass is made of high quality borosilicate glass tube with low free ion content, low expansion coefficient and very high chemical resistance. 2: Unique thread design ensures consistent seal.
Waters Certified Sample Vials White Paper
Clear Glass Vials can be made from different coefficient of expansion glass; most notable 33-expansion and 51-expansion glass. All Waters Clear Glass vials are made from of 33-expansion glass. The alkali content is low and 33-expansion glass has very low free ion content. Figure 1. Transmission curves for Amber Glass and Clear Glass vials
HPLC and GC Vials, Caps, Septas and Inserts Guide
Mar 22, 2020 · Type I glass has the least pH shift, lowest leaching characteristics, linear coefficient of expansion 33 or 51, 33 for clear autosampler vials and 51 for amber vials. USP Type I , 33 Borosilicate Glass is the most inert and chemically resistant glass widely used in laboratories especially for chromatography applications.
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10mm chromatography vial septa with closure Sigma-Aijiren. 2ml screw vials in clear with closures supplier for GC 100pcs 2ml Vials + Lids + Vial Inserts Autosampler Vial Glass Clear 9-425 HPLC. USD $39.79. 100Pcs Brown 20ml 24-400 Screw T. Send Inquiry Chat Now.
Waters HPLC autosampler vials 2ml sample vials manufacturer
Mar 11, 2021 · Autosampler Vial, 2ml HPLC Vial,9-425 Amber Vial with Blue Screw Caps,Writing Patch,Graduation,White PTFE & Red Silicone Septa Fit for LC Sampler(300 pcs,Brown) B08Y9B5CB $4.2 $82.99 Color: Brown Features: 2ml sample vial are made of high quality borosilicic acid glass,low content of free ions,low coefficient of expansion and very high chemical resistance.It is suitable for
8-425 HPLC Glass Vials for Shimadzu - Aijiren Vials
9 mm wide-mouth threaded PP HPLC vials: 9 mm screw caps, septa, and vials are designed for use with Aijiren and other rotary or robotic samplers. 12X32 mm vials are made of polypropylene with internal The micro-storage inner tank, this micro-groove can increase the storage level, and facilitate the sample to draw liquid from the automatic injection needle inside the Vias.
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1-4mL Autosampler Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC 16mm, 25mm Test Tubes for Water Analysis 6-20mL GC Headspace Vials 8-60mL EPA Storage Vials HPLC Syringe Filters
ND15 8ml HPLC Vials -
ND15 8ml HPLC Vials. 15mm screw thread caps, septa, and vials are designed especially for use with Aijiren's and other rotating or robotic arm samplers 8ml, 16.6X60mm vials are manufactured of Clear. Type 1 Class A or Amber, Type 1 Class B borosilicate glass. Caps are made of high quality polyproylene to exact manufacturing tolerances and lined
Sample Vials and Accessories - Waters Corporation
clear glass vials are Type 1, 33-expansion glass. Type 1, 51-Expansion Glass More alkaline than 33-expansion glass and is adequate for many laboratory uses. It has an expansion coefficient of 51x10–7 ˚C and is composed primarily of silicon and oxygen, with trace amounts of boron. All Waters amber glassware is Type 1, 51-expansion glass.
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laboratory very low expansion coefficient HPLC GC glass vials clear glass vials are Type 1, 33-expansion glass. Type 1, 51-Expansion Glass More alkaline than 33-expansion glass and is adequate for many laboratory uses. It has an expansion coefficient of 51x10–7 ˚C and is composed primarily of silicon and oxygen, with trace amounts of boron.
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